Patron Help

This page is for new or existing Patrons of SKA.
We use a third party platform to manage our tiered levels of membership and give you the ability to watch, read or download specific content, depending on your level. This platform is called Patreon.com and operates independently of ShopKeepArty.
Creating an account on Patreon is free. Once signed in and supporting SKA, we recommend that you do not log out. Then, when you are on ShopKeepArty.com and click the Patron 'WATCH' button on the video library or course library pages, it will open the appropriate content immediately for you on your Patreon app.
If you have problems launching the content, it may be that you are either not logged in to Patreon or that you are logged in under another account. To check, simply logout of Patreon and login again using the email address you used to subscribe to SKA.
If you have any questions about your Patron membership, we have included below some useful buttons that open specific pages you may find of use. Please let us know if you would like us to add any others for you.
Patreon Member App
This app makes the SKA Patron experience better on your phone. And it's free!
SKA Community Chat
Chat with other Arty Patrons, view paintings, message John directly.
Current Memberships
Click this button to view your current Patreon membership levels.
Membership Payment Methods
You can add a new card or amend payment details. Paypal is supported.
Patreon Member Help
Browse other various help topics for Members.