Join professional artist, Liz Chaderton to paint a magnificent stag in watercolour. This was filmed live on 20th Aug 2020.
In this 2-3 hour masterclass you will learn how to identify the essence of your subject and to ensure your composition captures its character. You will work wet in wet and adjust your initial washes with further glazes. You will apply texturing techniques to a subject in a way which does not become cliched and learn how to exploit the emotion of colours.
The reference photo, guidance on composition and a possible outline drawing are attached to help you prepare for the class.
See reference and recommended materials below:
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Reference Pictures:
Materials Required (if you do not have these exact materials, do not worry, you can substitute)
• Half sheet of Not (cold pressed) watercolour paper in a minimum of 140lb (300gsm). A half sheet measure 22x15 ins or 56x38cm
• Round brush size 8, size 14, rigger size 2, flat half inch
• Paper towel, HB pencil, rubber, spray bottle, two water pots
• Paints of your choice, the red stag was painted using alizarin, viridian, burnt Sienna, quin gold, French ultramarine and cadmium red.
Paintings sent in to us: