With your host John
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Watch series summary:
Learn from watercolour artist Howard Jones in this four part art series, filmed live from Wales.
There are four, 1hr art tutorial webinars, covering a number of complimentary subjects and techniques.
** Scroll down for further class details **
PART I: Brush Techniques
Broadcast 10 Jan '23
In art, the range and quality of the brushstrokes conveys the experience, feeling and conviction of the painter.
Join Howard as he walks you through how to create washes, lift-outs / dry brush and expressive brush marks all of which can be used in your future paintings.
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Any good quality 140lb (300gsm) watercolour paper (NOT type surface) examples: Arches / Saunders / Winsor & Newton
Watercolours, Ultramarine Blue / Burnt Sienna / Aureolin (yellow)
Brushes: 1 inch flat / ½ inch hog bristle flat / Size 5 Round/ Size 10 Round / Size 3 Rigger.
PART II: Values
Broadcast 17 Jan '23
Value is one of the elements of art that dictates how light or dark colours appear on the page. A basic shift in the value of a colour can communicate light source, focal point and depth.
In this art class Howard will cover the (Notan) grey scale, tones in colour and how, why and where to use tonal values.
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Paper: Any good quality 140lb (300gsm) watercolour paper (NOT type surface) examples: Arches / Saunders / Winsor & Newton
Watercolours : Ultramarine Blue / Burnt Sienna
Brushes: Brushes: 1 inch flat / ½ inch hog bristle flat / Size 5 Round/ Size 10 Round / Size 3 Rigger.
PART III: Focal Point
Broadcast 24 Jan '23
A focal point is the area of a picture that attracts the eye, it is the part of the picture that we find naturally fascinating and want to know more about it.
Join Howard to discover how to use a grid. How to make the focal point pop, as well as examples of how to find your focal point within your photo or other visual references.
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Paper: Any good quality 140lb (300gsm) watercolour paper (NOT type surface) examples: Arches / Saunders / Winsor & Newton
Watercolours: Ultramarine Blue / Burnt Sienna / Cadmium Scarlet (or Cadmium red)
Brushes: 1 inch flat / ½ inch hog bristle flat / Size 5 Round/ Size 10 Round / Size 3 Rigger.
PART IV: Simplification
Broadcast 31 Jan '23
In paintings, simplifying can make your painting and your visual message clearer and easier to understand.
Howard will show you how to identify the composition, first in grouping big shapes, then smaller shapes before adding the final detail.
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Paper: Any good quality 140lb (300gsm) watercolour paper (NOT type surface) examples: Arches / Saunders / Winsor & Newton
Watercolour: Ultramarine Blue / Burnt Sienna
Brushes: 1 inch flat / ½ inch hog bristle flat / Size 5 Round/ Size 10 Round / Size 3 Rigger.
What a fantastic series. Learnt so much and Howard explains everything so well. Highly recommended for artists of all levels
This was a great series for artists at all levels. It served as a reminder about some important principles relating to composition, planning and creating your painting. Howard is an excellent teacher explaining everything very clearly with illustrations and examples as he went. Highly recommended for new and more experienced artists.