With your host John

Join up & coming watercolour artist Gourav Dutta for this exciting 1 hour Art Class webinar to paint along and create a blast of bougainvillea blossoms. * Details below * Broadcast live from India on 18 January 2022.
**See Reference photo and recommended materials below**
As an up and coming artist there is no age limit for being a teacher. In this Arty Class Gourav will show you how to paint with a realistic approach whilst building the watercolour up in layers and minimising distractions to create the bougainvillea blossoms.
Useful links:
Find out about the related, 2-3 hour workshop event here >
After the live event, you can download the reference images and watch the complete, ad-free recording as an SKA Patron (level 3 and up) via our Video Library.
Reference photo

Materials Top-Up
Click image below for automatic 10% OFF first order from Jackson's art - ships globally.
• PAPER: 300 GSM , COLD PRESSED (29.7×21) sq. cm, natural white, brands : Fabriano/Arches/Brustro (anyone)
• PAINTS: Watercolour tubes (preferably from Daniel Smith Artist's Materials ) :-
(Something similar from different brands can also work)
Prussian blue
Neutral tint
Pthalo blue
Ivory black
New Gamboge
Pyrrol Scarlet
Burnt sienna
• BRUSHES: No. 12, 6,4,0 (Raphael softaqua) any brand of brush will do, just keep all your brushes handy, different brands make different sizes of same number
• OTHER: Masking fluid( preferably from Sennelier/Daniel Smith), a ruling pen