With your host John

Join artist Gabriel Stockton for this uplifting and inspiring 1hr Art Class webinar, where he will be creating a country landscape scene. * Details below * Broadcast live from California on 15 November 2022.
**See Reference photo and recommended materials below**
As a prelude to his full 2-3hr Workshop event, join Gabriel for this paint along demo where he will look at how 'Visual stories bring New Discoveries”. He will talk about the importance of paper, brushes and paint. GabrieI will share how chroma (colour) brakes down in the atmosphere and create breath in your paintings. His aim is to discover beautiful landscapes with you and create laughter whilst creating art.
Useful links:
Find out about the related, 2-3 Workshop event here >
After the live event, you can download the reference images and watch the complete, ad-free recording as an SKA Patron (level 3 and up) via our Video Library.
Reference painting


Materials Top-Up
Click image below for automatic 10% OFF first order from Jackson's art - ships globally.
PAPER: Fabiano paper 100% cotton at 300 grams/140 lbs. Cold press or Rough
PAINTS: Watercolours -
synthetic ULTIMO #12
OTHER: Paint palett / Soft pencil led (3b, 4b, 5b, no H’s) Mechanical Pencil / White masking tape. A backing of light wood, large enough for your ¼ paper size / Paper towels / Kneaded eraser / Spray bottle / Water container & water / Sketch book