With your host John

Join artist Amanda Webster for this entertaining and informative paint-along webinar in collaboration with the Henley Arts & Crafts Guild * Details below * Broadcast live from England on 2 September 2022.
**See Reference photo and recommended materials below**
Join Amanda Webster to learn how to draw the structure of a face by measuring the distances between the features to ensure a likeness. Learn how to apply coloured wet on wet washes to bring the face alive, then detail the beard and hair with lifting out technique. Finish up with an optional use of salt for texture on the beard. All in 60min!
Following this short 1hr class, see the full length workshop here >
Useful links:
After the live event, you can download the reference images and watch the complete, ad-free recording as an SKA Patron (level 3 and up) via our Video Library.
Reference painting

Reference photo

Class painting

Materials Top-Up
Click image below for automatic 10% OFF first order from Jackson's art - ships globally.
• PAPER: Watercolour paper - good quality 300gsm. Amanda uses Bockingford, but also likes Arches
• PAINTS: Watercolours - different makes can be different names, so...
A medium yellow (gamboge, aureolin)
Raw sienna
Burnt sienna
Pink (permanent rose, opera rose, rose madder)
Scarlet Lake
French Ultramarine
• BRUSHES: Chisel brushes, 1" or 2" for an A4 size paper. Wash brush, large and medium brush and a good lifting out brush
• OTHER: Pencil and rubber, kitchen roll, salt (optional)