On 16th July '20, a leading portrait painter Carole Massey walked us through drawing a portrait in charcoal as well as specific technical examples of drawing/shading children using colour.
You can watch the masterclass, filmed live, by clicking the unlocked video below. If it isn't unlocked, you can purchase it by visiting Carole's shop here: https://shopkeepeasy.com/carolemassey
See video, reference picture, materials required and paintings received below.
Workshop Video (to unlock this video, purchase here)
(If you have paid to unlock the video but still can't see it showing, please contact us)
Reference Pictures:
Materials Required
Solomon with Beard
• A charcoal pencil, or charcoal sticks or a black pastel pencil
• Medium surface Cartridge paper e.g. W&N Medium Surface 60lb, 130gsm
• Size : A4 minimum (30 x 21cm)
• A kneadable eraser
• Masking tape
For Ella
• Bockingford Watercolour paper NOT (semi rough) 140lb/300gsm Size A4 Approx
• No 8 round brush
• Masking fluid and suitable applicator – a small twig or dip pen
• Watercolours – Lemon or cadmium yellow
• Raw Sienna and Burnt Siena
• Permanent Rose or Alizarin Crimson
• French Ultramarine or Cobalt blue
Paintings sent in to us:
Nicola G.
Jan W.
Lindy S.
Audrey J.
Debbie R.
Pennie I.