Paint a 'Curious Cow' with leading watercolourist Liz Chaderton (filmed 23rd July '20).
If you missed the date or want to re-watch it, you can watch the video of the live session by clicking the unlocked video below. If it isn't unlocked, you can purchase it by visiting Liz's shop here:
See video, reference picture, materials required and paintings received below.

Reference Pictures:

Workshop Video (to unlock this video, purchase here)
(If you have paid to unlock the video but still can't see it showing, please contact us)
Materials Required • A half sheet of Not paper. I am working to a square format, but people can work to a rectangle if that is their preference.
NOTE: A standard sheet of watercolour paper is 30x22 ins, 76x56cm; So a half sheet is 15x22ins or 56x38cm. It does not have to be exact - something between A3 and A2 would be fine also. Just to give enough space to have fun.
• Two water pots
• A small spray bottle. If you don't have one, don't worry.
• Kitchen towel
• Hair dryer
• Size 8-10 round brush, size 2 rigger
• Watercolours of your choice - I used prussian blue, turquoise, alizarin, quinacridone gold and opera rose.
• White gouache
• Palette
• Table salt
• HB pencil and eraser to lightly sketch the cow onto your paper ahead of the class.
• A piece of Magic Eraser, if you have it
Paintings sent in to us:
