Join watercolour artist Joe Dowden for this 45 minute Arty Class webinar. Filmed live from England on 31 August 2021.
**See Reference photo and recommended materials below**
In this prelude to his full, 2-3 hour workshop webinar, Joe will walk you through how to paint Solene beach, Zupa Dubrovaska. You will be taught how to paint the trees and water lapping ashore on a beach by creating washes and will be shown how to paint bright strong light and strong colour. The techniques you will learn in this stand alone project will enable you to go on to paint many subjects.
Example painting/sketch

Materials Top-Up
Click image below for automatic 10% OFF first order from Jackson's art - ships globally.
Recommended materials
• PAPER: stretched Arches rough or Millford, 300 not, 300gsm. Keep painting size small - A4 12"x8" recommended
• PAINTS: Watercolour - Phthalo blue, Phthalo green, Cadmium lemon, Cobalt Turqouise, (or Winsor & Newton Cobalt Turqouise Light), Gouache designers White. Burnt sienna. Green gold, Quinacridone gold, Quinacridone magenta, Paynes grey.
• BRUSHES: Sable round brushes, size 3 and 7, (Rosemary and Co series 33 number 3 and Series 22 number 7). Medium or small Sword liner brush. (Has a long asymmetric point, not to be confused with a dagger which had a short point). Any wash brush. • OTHER: Household china plates to mix paint / scrap watercolour paper / scrap paper / sharp 2b pencils / kitchen roll / masking tape.