With your host John
Join watercolour botanical artist Willie Schlechter for this 1 hour Patron Special webinar exploring botanical art with the help of a pear. Broadcast live from South Africa on 21 October 2021.
**See Reference and recommended materials below**
In this informative prelude to his upcoming, 2-3 hour workshop webinar, Willie will introduce you to botanical painting in watercolour.
Using a pear as a subject, you will be introduced to the basic principles of watercolour mixing and application, in order to achieve a botanically accurate painting.
NOTE: Please have outline of image lightly drawn onto watercolour paper. No shading, just a very light outline is necessary.
Ref photo:

Example painting:

Ref sketch:

Materials Top-Up
Click image below for automatic 10% OFF first order from Jackson's art - ships globally.
Recommended materials
• PAPER: A4 – A3 Arches Hot Pressed 300g watercolour paper (not necessary to stretch)
• PAINTS: Winsor & Newton Artist Watercolours in a tube or Meimeri, or Sennelier (Winsor and Newton Cotmans are less good paint, but OK for beginners) Lemon Yellow/ Winsor Blue (red shade) OR French Ultramarine Blue /Permanent Rose/Burnt Sienna
• BRUSHES: One No.4 size Rotmarder-Kolinsky 3338.04-0590 or Raphael Series 8404 or W&N Series 3A kolinsky sable with a fine point.
• OTHER: A palette, preferably with six or more wells (new ones need to be scrubbed with Vim to make them less slippery) or a white plate/ a soft eraser/ a soft, fine cotton cloth - an old hanky or pillowslip (not polyester)/ a sturdy board to lean or table easel/ a water jar