With your host John

Join artist Catherine Beale for this stunning 1hr Art Class webinar, where she creates an illusion of sunlight. * Details below * Broadcast live from England on 1 December 2022.
or message on the Patron WhatsApp
**See Reference photo and recommended materials below**
As a prelude to her full 2-3hr Workshop event, join Catherine as she takes you through the steps to form your own impressionistic landscape motif, taken from her painting (supplied) as she introduces you to elements of her “gravity painting” techniques.
You will learn how to reserve the white of the paper for the bright, luminous sun and how to pool pigment in water around this area and experiment with edges and colour merging as Catherine helps you use more water and fewer brushstrokes. You will use paint straight from the tube to create powerfully deep tones and colour pops before applying clingfilm for intriguing texture and softening shapes by “lifting off”.
Useful links:
Find out about the related, 2-3 Workshop event here >
After the live event, you can download the reference images and watch the complete, ad-free recording as an SKA Patron (level 3 and up) via our Video Library.
Example Painting

Materials Top-Up
Click image below for automatic 10% OFF first order from Jackson's art - ships globally.
• PAPER: A3 Daler Rowney Aquafine Watercolour Artboard recommended
• PAINTS: Tubed watercolour paint: turquoise; ultramarine; raw sienna; burnt umber; permanent alizarin crimson; mauve/violet; lemon yellow
• BRUSHES: 2 flat watercolour brushes: a 1 inch and a half/ 3/8-inch,1 fine watercolour brush or rigger
• OTHER: Wood/MDF supporting board with a 2-inch-high rest (e.g., tin/clingfilm box/block) / 2B pencil and eraser/clingfilm/ kitchen roll/ generous sized palette