Join professional award winning artist Robert Dutton for this 1 hour Special Arty Class. Filmed live from England on 22nd April 2021.
That glorious season of natures spectacular Bluebells will soon be with us. Enjoy and be immersed within this wonderful season and celebrate this fantastic spectacle nice and early with paint and pastels!
**See Reference and recommended materials below**
Painting in Watercolour/gouache and soft pastel Robert Dutton will share with you his popular expressive mixed media skills painting light and shade in a Spring bluebell woodland. A prelude to the full, Bluebell painting workshop on the 29th April, this 1hr special is designed to get you in the mood while having lots of fun.
Photo reference:
Example painting:
Materials Top-Up
Click image below for automatic 10% OFF first order from Jackson's art - ships globally.
Recommended materials
Gouache or watercolour Tube paints in the following colours highly recommended or bring your own favourite colours if you don't want to buy all of these. These are my palette colours and I will be using them but you can use similar if you don’t have them specifically: Magenta, Winsor Violet, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Orange, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Raw Sienna, Cadmium Yellow Deep, Qiunacridone Gold, Lemon Yellow, Viridia, Cerulean Blue, Cobalt Blue, Winsor Blue, Prussian Blue, Ultramarine, Indigo, Yellow Ochre, Winsor Green.
Permanent White Gouache. Essential!
Print out your photograph reference on A4 GLOSS paper. Ordinary photo copier papers and the colours sink. Alternatively use a ipad or similar, leave it on lock (so the picture stays on permanently), enlarge the reference full screen after download and work from that.
Soft and hard pastels (of your choice) different colours,
A variety of different watercolour brushes.
Essential: large brushes such as sizes 24, 30 round and 1 and 2 inch 'flats', Swordliner (large) and above in size Large Chinese soft hair brushes if you have them are highly recommended to bring also.
Your own favourite brushes too but the large brushes are essential!!
Recommended brushes - Robert Dutton's Recommended Brushes | ShopKeepArty on Patreon
An old hog brush or tooth brush for textured paint effects,
Water Spray atomiser,
Old jam jars (for clean water mixing),
White old ceramic plates on which to mix your paints or equivalent - several of them please
Kitchen roll,
Masking tape,
Bulldog clips,
Watercolour 100% cotton rag 300gsm (140lb) 'not' surface highly recommended.
Graphite stick - 4B,
An eraser
Pastel fixative (essential),
Soft and hard pastels to include darks but not blacks - highly recommended Unison Colour 'Midnight Set', Unison Colour pastels and Rembrandt harder pastels