With your host Anne

Join oil artist Elinor for this in-depth look at painting an 'Ardmore Jar with Flowers and Fruit'. A 2-3 hour workshop, broadcast live from South Africa on 8 Sept 2021. Visit our video library after the event to purchase or visit Elinor's shop here.
Scroll down for reference photos and recommended materials
In this informative workshop, Elinor will begin by explaining how to draw the actual size of the objects by measuring and comparing them to each other and how to use photographs as an aid to painting.
During the painting section Elinor will show how to judge and achieve depth and recession with the tone of the subject and will cover in depth the use of a palette knife, including advice on when to use it because it uses far more paint than a brush which is costly if employed for an entire painting.
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Painting reference

Photo of the jar:

Completed workshop painting:

Materials Top-Up
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Recommended materials
• PAPER: 1 canvas or canvas panel or sheet from a canvas pad. 16" x 20" canvas ( 40 x 50 cms) pre- tinted with a wash of Burnt Sienna.
• PAINTS: Oil Paints: Artist quality. Use student quality if preferred. ElinorI will use the following artist quality paints made by Maimeri, Winsor & Newton and Sennelier. Sennelier 40 ml tubes useful. French Ultramarine, Cobalt and Cerulean Blue, Cadmium Red, Alizarin Crimson, small tube, Cadmium Yellow, Burnt Sienna, Naples Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Viridian. Titanium White large tube recommended.
• BRUSHES: Pointed hog drawing in brush any good maker size 1 or 2 / Large flat hog bristle size 10 Roberson or other maker / Filbert hog bristle sizes 8 or 7 down / Sizes 8, 6, 4, flat, hair Raphael, Kevrin on handle or mongoose! / Sizes 2 and 1 Synthetic pointed. Dynasty / 1 Rigger No 4 Rosemary & Co • OTHER: Wooden or other palette / Double large dipper / Painting palette knife (cranked handle) / Distilled turpentine and linseed oil and mineral turps for cleaning brushes . Paper towel and small cotton rags eg. from old sheet or pillowcase.