With your host John

Join watercolour artist Randy Hale for a 2-3hr workshop webinar to paint one of his favourite doorways in southern France! Broadcast live from Colorado on 26 October, 2021.
Scroll down for reference photos and recommended materials
In this fun and informative workshop, join watercolour artist Randy Hale to paint one of his favourite doorways in southern France!
Randy stumbled across it in a little out-of-the way narrow lane in Arle, very near the outdoor Roman Amphitheatre, and calls this painting “Behind Every Door.”
Randy will take the group through the steps of painting this fun façade that has “matching” red shutters and front door. As a side note….Randy actually ran into the owner of this home and was able to show him the plein air sketch he did, he was quite pleased to discover someone had captured the spirit of his home.
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Photo reference


Workshop painting

Materials Top-Up
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Recommended materials
• PAPER: Watercolour paper about 9”x12”
• PAINTS: Watercolours -
Cool Yellow (cadmium light, lemon yellow) & Warm Yellow (gamboge, Indian yellow) Raw Siena (or Yellow Ochre) & Raw Umber
Orange (I use Schmincke’s Transparent Orange)
Burnt Siena (or Quinachridone Burnt Orange) & Burnt Umber
Warm Red (Pyrol or Cadmium) & Cool Red (Alizarin, Opera, Magenta)
Warm Violet, Cool Violet
Prussian Blue (a deep dark)
Ultramarine Blue & Cobalt Blue
Lavendar (Holbein)
Cerulean Blue & Turquoise Light
Sap Green (warm), Veridian (cool), Cad Green Light (light apple green)
• BRUSHES: a wider “flat,” a medium-size “round,” and a “rigger.” Synthetic & natural mix