With your host John

Join artist Jeff Carter for this 2-3hr workshop webinar to sketch and paint a characteristic house. ** Details below ** Broadcast live from England on 28 June 2022.
**See reference photo and recommended materials below**
In this workshop Jeff will walk you through the steps of how to express the character of any house you may choose to paint. You will commence with loose, energetic sketches exploring lines to create dynamic pictures before moving into a variety of watercolour techniques to bring the house to life.
Example painting

Reference photo

Building in context (shared by Susie, during workshop)

Materials Top-Up
Click image below for automatic 10% OFF first order from Jackson's art - ships globally.
• PAPER: 11”x15” cold pressed NOT watercolour paper.
• PAINTS: Watercolours - Hansa Yellow, ultramarine blue, cobalt turquoise light, sap green, rose madder, scarlet, raw sienna, burnt sienna, van dyke brown, buff titanium, white, transparent orange, moonglow, cobalt blue, Payne’s grey, neutral tint, light red, brown ochre
• BRUSHES: 1/8 flat, size 2, 4, 6, 8
• OTHER: Pencils HB, H2, Fine liner pens 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, paper towel, eraser
Jeff is a great teacher ! Thank you :))