Join watercolour artist Howard to explore how to create dynamic effects by using geometric shapes to paint a hill farm. A step-by-step, 2-3 hour workshop, broadcast live from Wales on 15 July 2021. Visit our video library to purchase or visit Howard's shop here.
See reference and recommended materials below:
In this geometric shape workshop, Howard will walk you through how to select and use shapes to create dynamic effects in your paintings. You will also be shown how to balance your composition, including scaling and positioning. You will also learn how to work with dry brush, how to use lifting-out techniques and how to identify and use negative shapes.
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Example painting

Reference photo

Line drawing

Materials Top-Up
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Recommended materials
• PAPER: Size- 15 x 11 (38x28cm) Weight-140lb. Surface- NOT (cold pressed). Brands such as: Saunders Waterford/Arches or any good quality cotton based paper
• PAINTS: Watercolour paints (Must be Tube paints): Cobalt Blue / Ultramarine Blue / Cerulean Blue / Winsor Red (or Cadmium Red dark) / Raw Umber / Burnt Sienna / Alizarin Crimson / Paynes Grey / White Gouache
• BRUSHES: 1inch Flat / Size 12 Round / Size 6 Round with good point / Size 2 Rigger • OTHER: A sturdy board to fix your paper to / A roll of masking tape (decorators tape) / a large shallow sided water tub (avoid tall jars) / a roll of kitchen paper towel / a large surface mixing palette / a sharpened 3b pencil & soft eraser / plus any personal favourite items