Join Liz Chaderton, live from England, for a 2hrs+ exclusive workshop webinar where she shows you how to explore negative space and pattern making in watercolour, painting a group of King penguins in the process. Filmed live on 3rd November 2020.
**See workshop reference pictures and recommended materials below**
Liz will concentrate on composition and I will show you how to use multiple sources to compose the painting you want. She will provide a suggested composition, but you are welcome (and encouraged) to develop your own.
We will work by growing our washes and letting the pigments play on the surface, using salt to break up and place the pigment. We will use lost and found edges, as well as soft and hard, capturing the white space of the penguin's belly. This class will teach you about colour-value switching, as well as many other techniques you can apply to your future work.
Workshop Video (unlock via Patreon or purchase here)
(If you have paid to unlock the video but still can't see it showing, please contact us)
Materials required:
[These are the supplies I use but you’re welcome to use what you have]
• Watercolour paper Not surface, at least 140lb/300gsm -
• Watercolours - turquoise, phthalo blue, indigo or Prussian blue, burnt Sienna, quin gold (gamboge, aurelion), purple (dioxazine purple is nice), Opera pink (rose madder, quin rose etc)
• Salt, water, kitchen towel, pencil, eraser, spritzer bottle if available
• Round pointed brushes - size 16, 8 approx - rigger size 2