Join artist Iris for this in-depth look at painting in mixed mediums. A watercolour underpainting with a soft pastel top. A 2-3 hour workshop, broadcast live from the Philippines on 5 August 2021. Visit our video library after the event to purchase or visit Iris's shop here.
Scroll down for reference photos and recommended materials
Join Iris in this informative yet fun workshop. Learn how to utilise two mediums to create a river scene with the atmospheric and dreamy quality of watercolours, plus the vivid and sharp detail of soft pastel.
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Example painting

Reference photo

Materials Top-Up
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Recommended materials
• PAPER: 14 x 20 watercolour sheet cold pressPastel ground (optional)
• PAINTS: Soft pastels (medium hard, soft and extra soft pastels. Examples are rembrandt, unison, and sennelier) - A selection of the following in light, medium and dark shades: Cerulean Blue/Yellow Ochre/Permanent Green/Sap Green/Cobal Teal Blue/Cadmium/Yellow/Burnt Sienna/Raw Umber/Violet/Paynes Gray/Neutral Tint
Watercolour paints - Cerulean Blue/Yellow Ochre/Permanent Green Light/Viridian Green/Sap Green/Cobal Teal Blue/Hansa Yellow/Cadmium Yellow/Alizarin Crimson/Burnt Sienna/Raw Umber/Paynes Gray/Neutral Tint
• BRUSHES: Selection of watercolour brushes flats and rounds • OTHER: Water bottle mister, bucket for water, tissue, pastel pencil or pencil for sketching, kneadable eraser, heat gun or hair dryer