With your host John

Join artist Catherine Beale for this full length, 2-3hr workshop webinar to capture the wonder of sunlight on a snowy landscape. ** Details below ** Broadcast live from England on 13 December 2022.
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**Recommended materials below**
Join Catherine Beale in this step-by-step workshop to form your own impressionistic watercolour of a sun setting over the horizon as she introduces you to her “gravity painting” techniques using one of her paintings as inspiration.
You will create a useful pencil underdrawing to free up the painting process and watch the way pooling watercolours behave on the page. Experiment as Catherine helps you use more water and fewer brushstrokes. She will teach you how to drop paint into water and merge free-running colours in defined areas bounded by dry paper. You will be shown how, by taking paint straight from the tube, you can create deep, shadowed tones and how to lift paint off for subtle highlights before considering different ways to review your work with fresh eyes you will build up realistic tree detail using a fine / rigger brush.
Example painting

Materials Top-Up
Click image below for automatic 10% OFF first order from Jackson's art - ships globally.
• PAPER: A3 Daler Rowney Aquafine Watercolour Artboard recommended
• PAINTS: Tubed watercolour paint: turquoise; ultramarine; raw sienna; burnt umber; permanent alizarin crimson; mauve/violet; lemon yellow
• BRUSHES: 2 flat watercolour brushes: a 1 inch and a half/ 3/8-inch,1 fine watercolour brush or rigger
• OTHER: Wood/MDF supporting board with a 2-inch-high rest (e.g., tin/clingfilm box/block) / 2B pencil and eraser/clingfilm/ kitchen roll/ generous sized palette