With your host John
Create this atmospheric painting in watercolour of some beautiful Sweet Pea flowers.
** Watch the short intro video below **

Filmed on Tuesday 17th May '22
Using watercolour and simple brushwork, you can paint a really strong, vivid impression of these gorgeous flowers. No sketching is required, paint is applied straight on to the paper to form the background and then the foreground is bought to life by painting a few of the main flowers in a little more realistic way. Jane will guide you through this process, step-by-step.
**See recommended materials below**
A video message from Jane:
Example painting

Reference 1

Reference 2

Materials Top-Up
Click image below for automatic 10% OFF first order from Jackson's art - ships globally.
• Size A3 watercolour paper. Jane will use Khadi paper with a ‘not’ surface, but any brand will be fine
• For watercolour paints, Jane will be using the following colours: Deep purple, bright pink, violet, mid blue, mid green & yellowy green
• Jane will also be using a touch of indigo acrylic ink with added granulation medium, but this is not essential at all
• For brushes, Jane will be using a selection of sizes ranging from a number 4 to a number 16