With your host Hazel

Join watercolour artist Barry Herniman for this 2-3hr workshop webinar to explore a dramatic breaking wave scene. ** Details below ** Broadcast live from England on 8 March 2022.
**See Reference photo and recommended materials below**
Follow along with Barry to paint this wild sea scene with all the drama of a wave about to break onto the rocks. He will guide you through each stage of the painting in bite sized chunks so that you can build up the picture with confidence and have a finished painting at the end of the sessions. Barry wants to share with you his love for this wonderfully fluid medium and show you how to build lovely , translucent washes to produce a painting with light and vitality.
Example painting

Reference photo


Materials Top-Up
Click image below for automatic 10% OFF first order from Jackson's art - ships globally.
• PAPER: Tape a piece of watercolour paper to a board or stiff card. This painting is roughly square in format. Approx 8 x 8 ins , or smaller or larger to suit your preference.
Surface: I will be using ROUGH but NOT or Cold Pressed will also work well as there is a lot of texture in this scene. ALSO; have to hand a few pieces of watercolour paper to check out any of your colour mixes.
• PAINTS: Barry strongly recommend you use Artists quality watercolours as you will be wanting maximum transparency in our colours and the cheaper brands add binders and fillers to keep prices low.
Barry uses Schmincke Horadam Artists Watercolours.
Pure yellow/Aureolin/Lemon yellow
Indian Yellow
Rose madder
Madder brown/ Burnt sienna
Cobalt turquoise/ Manganese blue / Cerulean blue
Cobalt blue
Helio turquoise/ Phthalo blue/ Prussian blue
Manganese violet/ cobalt violet
GOUACHE : Titanium white
• BRUSHES: Nos. 8 & 4 rounds Nos 4 /2 Rigger • OTHER: Spray Diffuser bottle with water, 2B pencil, paper tissues, hair dryer