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Workshop: When water falls, it flies with Barry Herniman

With your host John


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Join artist Barry Herniman for this 2-3hr workshop webinar to capture the grace and grandeur of a waterfall in watercolour. ** Details below ** Broadcast live from Wales on 15 July 2022.


**See reference photo and recommended materials below**


In this workshop, follow along with Barry to paint this majestic waterfall with all the sunlight and shadows over the rocks and falling water. Barry will guide you through each stage of the painting in bite sized chunks so that you can build up the picture with confidence and have a finished painting at the end of the session. You will get to grips with this wonderfully fluid and transparent medium during this workshop. You will see all your colours mix and merge on the paper producing untold colour combinations as if by magic and learn that by not over-mixing the spectre of mixing, MUD will be a thing of the past.

The Session

Please have your paper taped down onto your board and your preliminary drawing done ready for the start of the session. Barry will give you a quick introduction explaining his painting methods with some short exercises. He will then move on and start painting where you will be able to follow along with him.

Example painting

Reference photo


Message from Barry - I have produced a line drawing of the main elements of the subject which you can copy or trace : please draw it out onto your piece of watercolour paper ready for the off. You will notice that I have kept the initial drawing to the absolute minimum, concentrating only on the main elements of the scene. I will not use masking fluid in this session, rather leaving the whites of the water by painting around them. Fluid can leave harsh edges which we want to keep to a minimum around the cascading water.

Materials Top-Up

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• PAPER: Approx 7 x 9 ins , or smaller or larger to suit your preference. Barry will be using ROUGH but NOT or Cold Pressed will also work well as there is a lot of texture in this scene.

Also have to hand a few pieces of watercolour paper to check out any of your colour mixes. Tape a piece of watercolour paper to a board or stiff card. This painting is just off square in format.

• PAINTS: Watercolour s : Barry strongly recommends using artists quality watercolours as you will be wanting maximum transparency in our colours and the cheaper brands add binders and fillers to keep prices low. Barry uses Schmincke Horadam Artists Watercolours.

Pure yellow/Aureolin/Lemon yellow, Indian Yellow , Rose madder, Orange, Madder brown/ Burnt sienna, Cobalt turquoise/ Manganese blue / Cerulean blue, Cobalt blue, Ultramarine, Helio turquoise/ Phthalo blue/ Prussian blue, Manganese violet/ cobalt violet

• BRUSHES: Nos. 8 & 4 rounds Nos 4 /2 Rigger

• OTHER: Palette with some deep wells for watercolour mixes, spray diffuser bottle with water, 2B pencil, paper tissues, hair dryer. Gouache : Titanium white


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